Developing a Multi-Product Economic Production Quantity Model To Fuzzy Sense Using of Signed Distance Method

  • Mohammad Khodashenas Department of Industrial Engineering, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Valiasr street, Tehran
  • Hamidreza Salmani Mojaveri Department of Management and Economic, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrak e gharb, Tehran
  • Fatemeh Mohammadnezhad Chari Department of Industrial Engineering, Payam e Noor University, 15 Khordad street, Sari
Keywords: Defuzzification, signed distance, fuzzy set, multi-product economic production quan¬ti¬ty, inventory


Today, inventory management issue has become a concern for a lot of organizations and it is the most necessary issues for organizations by production and inventory plan implementing. Among inventory models, models based on economic production quantity are of the most practical models. Each of the economic production quantity is based on set of para­me­ters that are estimated by experts and decision makers. Since uncertainty exists in real world, it is difficult for experts to estimate parameters, accurately. Therefore, in such situation, using economic production quantity under non-integer conditions would be more appropriate than the crisp conditions and also under such conditions organizations have to determine their cumu­la­tive production in their supply chain in fuzzy sense. In this paper, a multi-product economic production quantity (EPQ) model, under fuzzy conditions, has been fuzzified and optimized by using signed distance method in order to minimize all costs. a numerical example and sensitivity analysis have also provided to illustrate the practical use of the proposed method.


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