Closed-loop Supply Chain as an Agent of Sustainable Development

  • Shu-San Gan Faculty of Industrial Technology, Mechanical Engineering Department, Petra Christian University. Jl. Siwalankerto 121-131, Surabaya 60236
Keywords: Closed-loop supply chain, sustainable development, recovery process, remanufac¬turing, product return management.


Sustainability has recently become an important issue which received growing attentions from government, society, industries as well as academia. There have been concerns on relatively rapid growth in population and increased quality of life despite limited natural resources and landfill capacity. Closed-loop Supply Chain (CLSC) is one of many approaches to mitigate the abovementioned disproportion. This article aims to study closed-loop supply chain by explaining the definition, description, pros and contras, relevance, case studies from literature, and potential research; such that its role as an agent of sustainable development can be recognized.


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