Sequence Matching Analysis for Curriculum Development

  • Liem Yenny Bendatu Faculty of Industrial Technology, Industrial Engineering Department, Petra Christian University, Jl. Siwalankerto 121-131, Surabaya 60236
  • Bernardo Nugroho Yahya Industrial and Management Engineering Department, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Oedaero 81, Mohyeonmyon, Cheoingu, Yongin, South Korea 449791
Keywords: Sequence matching analysis, process mining, curriculum analysis, learning sequence


Many organizations apply information technologies to support their business processes. Using the information technologies, the actual events are recorded and utilized to conform with predefined model. Conformance checking is an approach to measure the fitness and appropriateness between process model and actual events. However, when there are multiple events with the same timestamp, the traditional approach unfit to result such measures. This study attempts to develop a sequence matching analysis. Considering conformance checking as the basis of this approach, this proposed approach utilizes the current control flow technique in process mining domain. A case study in the field of educational process has been conducted. This study also proposes a curriculum analysis framework to test the proposed approach. By considering the learning sequence of students, it results some measurements for curriculum development. Finally, the result of the proposed approach has been verified by relevant instructors for further development.


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